RetirementGuard helps people keep their money safe.

We specialize in obtaining insurance for physical and cognitive loss.

Our Mission is to help people maintain their dignity in the midst of catastrophic disabling events ... Because of our strategic and singular focus, we can provide a level of sophistication and expertise that might be difficult to match.

Why work with us?

Decades of experience and an outstanding reputation in the industry.

RetirementGuard provides services for brokers and consultants—and we also work directly with employer groups. Our clients include highly regarded universities and health care institutions.

We are primarily technology driven. What differentiates RetirementGuard is that we create warm touch technology. From a benefit communication and enrollment perspective, warm touch enables us to cut through messaging clutter. We are successful in providing different avenues for our messaging to be received, absorbed, and acted upon, which results in higher voluntary plan participation and appreciation.

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Resources we find interesting

Voluntary multi-life disability plans

Unique voluntary guarantee issue multi-life plan design for eligible groups—typically highly compensated executives, physician groups, investment firms, law firms, and certain select association groups.

When an accident, injury or sickness results in a career ending disability (own occupation or specialty to age 65) lump sum cash benefits will be paid income tax free.

Typical benefit choices are $250,000, $500,000, or $1,000,000. However, depending on demographics, our insurance companies can go down to $100,000 and up as high as $5,000,000.

Contact or call us for details — 860.435.6622


Privacy Policy

RetirementGuard's mission is to enhance quality of life and peace of mind. We believe the interest of our clients always come first. As a current or future client we need you to know that we are committed to maintaining your trust; protecting your privacy and the personal information you provide to us.

We only collect, use and share your personal information in order to provide you with and maintain the insurance products and services you have requested, or as permitted or required by law.

We will not share your information with any non-affiliated company for the purpose of that company marketing its products or services to you. We do not sell any information about you nor do we sell our customer lists.

Information collection

An essential part of the insurance application process is getting to know you. In this regard, we will need to collect some specific information from you and about you.

We will ask you to provide, among other things, personal data such as your name, address, date of birth, social security number, marital status, home address, phone numbers, email address and place of employment. In most cases you will also need to provide the names of your physicians, medications you are taking and illnesses or conditions you have or have had. Lastly, to ensure that you can afford the insurance you are interested in purchasing, questions related to your annual income range, savings and investments.

We would require the above information for the following:

Sharing information

When you provide information to us, we may share your information with our affiliated insurance companies for the purpose of fulfilling underwriting requests as well as offering you other services that may be of interest to you.

How is your information secured and protected?

We treat what we know about you confidentially. The website uses encryption and authentication tools to protect any personal information you send us via the Internet. Internally we take steps to make our computer data bases secure and to safeguard the information we have collected about you.

We require confidential treatment of your information and take care in handling your information. Employees who misuse customer information are subject to disciplinary action.

To contact us, to view or to update your information

If you wish to update or view your personal information or if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by sending a letter via the U.S. Mail to:


Statistical Data

Projected LTC Need For People Turning Age 65

Number of Years of LTC Need
by Percentage

  Average Life Expectancy after age 65 Percent of People with LTC Need Average Years of LTC Need 1 year
or less
1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years
All 17.8 69% 3.0 25% 17% 29% 29%
Men 15.7 58% 2.2 33% 17% 30% 20%
Women 19.8 79% 3.7 20% 16% 28% 35%

Research by Peter Kemper, Ph.D. Department of Health Policy, Pennsylvania State University , June 2006
